Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Million Writers Award for The King's English & Best Online Fiction of 2004

The best news, first: The King's English won the Million Writers Award for Best Publisher of Novella-Length Fiction, 2005. Not bad for a one-year anniversary present, eh?

Hey, but there's a heck of a lot of good fiction out there on the web, and I'd like to urge you to check some of it out. Jason Sanford of storySouth, who runs and hosts the Million Writers Award, has chosen the top ten online stories of 2004. I'm sorry to say he didn't choose the three nominees from The King's English for his finalists, but his top ten should be worth reading. (Sorry, I haven't read them, either. Can't quite convince the folks at my day job that you need me more than they do.) Read the stories and vote for your favorite.

The King's English top three novellas for 2004, in alpha order, by author:

"Wednesday," by A'Dora Phillips

"Wonder" by S. M.R. Saia

"Escape Velocities" by Jim Snowden

Be sure to check 'em out!

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