Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Return of the (Prize-winning) King

You may have noticed that there haven't been any new issues of The King's English lately. We were on hiatus (one of them fancy Anglo-Saxon words for "vacation"), but now we're back. Good thing, too: while you were sleeping, we picked up another Million Writers Award for being the Best Publisher of Novella-Length Fiction in 2005 (for the second-year in a row).

What's more, five of the eleven fiction pieces we published last year were chosen as "notable stories of 2005" in the same contest, putting us in the same company as the august Agni and the well-funded Narrative (which can afford to pay the likes of Rick Bass for publication).

And who were the authors honored?

Bill Bukovsan, "Pig Roast." Spring 2005.

James Chapman, "The Audience." Fall 2005.

M. Frias-May, "The Longest Suicide Note by Stanley K." Fall 2005.

J. Todd Gillette, "Halcyon." Sumer 2005. (Also, the First-Prize Winner of the Blodgett Waxwing Prize in Literary Fiction)

Kei Miller, "The Fear of Stones." Winter 2005.

Check out the announcement on our home page, and be sure to drop the authors an e-mail to congratulate 'em. We've already told them we're proud, but they'd rather hear it from you.

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